Curriculum vitae
Depuis 2013 : Enseignante-chercheure à l’INPT-ENSAT/Ecolab, Toulouse, France
2012-2013 : Post-doctorat au Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l’Environnement (LBE), INRA UR050, Narbonne, France
2010-2012 : Post-doctorat au Laboratoire de Recherche & Développement sur le Bovin Laitier et le Porc (CRDBLP), Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, Sherbrooke, Canada
2006-2009 : Doctorat au Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l’Environnement (LBE), INRA UR050, Narbonne, France
1A : Microbiologie du sol (UE sol-plante)
2A : Qualité biologique des sols (Pré-spé Sol et environnement) et compostage (Pré-spé Agriculture Biologique et Compostage)
3A : Economie circulaire, traitement et valorisation des déchets (QEGR, GE, I3D, SYSPEL)
Thèmes de recherche
Impact d'activités anthropiques sur la structure et la fonction des écosystèmes microbiens
Ezzariai, A., Barret, M., Merlina, G., Pinelli, E., Hafidi, M., (2017). Evaluation of the antibiotics effects on the physical and chemical parameters during the co-composting of sewage sludge with palm wastes in a bioreactor. Waste Management. In press
Garacci, M., Barret, M., Mouchet, F., Sarrieu, C., Lonchambon, P., Flahaut, E., Gauthier, L., Silvestre, J., Pinelli, E. (2017). Few Layer Graphene sticking by biofilm of freshwater diatom Nitzschia palea as a mitigation to its ecotoxicity. Carbon N. Y. 113, 139–150.
Barret, M., Gagnon, N., Morissette, B., Kalmokoff, M., Topp, E., Brooks, S. P. J., Matias, F., Neufeld, J., & Talbot, G. (2015). Phylogenetic identification of methanogens assimilating acetate-derived carbon in dairy and swine manures. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 38(1), 56-66.
Yang, Y., Lesage, G., Barret, M., Bernet, N., Grasmick, A., Hamelin, J., & Héran, M. (2014). New urban wastewater treatment with Autotrophic Membrane Bioreactor (AutoMBR) at low COD/N substrate ratio. Water Science & Technology, 69(5), 960-5.
Barret, M., Gagnon, N., Kalmokoff, M., Topp, E., Verastegui, Y., Brooks, S. P. J., Matias, F., Neufeld, J., & Talbot, G. (2013). Identification of Methanoculleus spp. as active methanogens during anoxic incubations of swine manure storage tank samples. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 79(2), 424–433.
Barret, M., Gagnon, N., Topp, E., Masse, L., Massé, D., & Talbot, G. (2013). Physico-chemical characteristics and methanogen communities in swine and dairy manure storage tanks : spatio-temporal variations and impact on methanogenic activity. Water Research, 47, 737–746.
Barret, M., Gagnon, N., Morissette, B., Topp, E., Kalmokoff, M., Brooks, S. P. J., Matias, F., & Talbot, G. (2012). Methanoculleus spp. as a biomarker of methanogenic activity in swine manure storage tanks. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 80(2), 427–40.
Barret, M., Delgadillo-Mirquez, L., Trably, E., Delgenes, N., Braun, F., Cea-Barcia, G., Steyer, J. P., & Patureau, D. (2012). Anaerobic Removal of Trace Organic Contaminants in Sewage Sludge: 15 Years of Experience. Pedosphere, 22(4), 508–517.
Barret, M., Carrère, H., Patau, M., & Patureau, D. (2011). Kinetics and reversibility of micropollutant sorption in sludge. Journal of Environmental Monitoring : JEM, 13(10), 2770–4.
Gagnon, N., Barret, M., Topp, E., Kalmokoff, M., Massé, D., Masse, L., & Talbot, G. (2011). A novel fingerprint method to assess the diversity of methanogens in microbial systems. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 325(2), 115–22.
Barret, M., Carrère, H., Latrille, E., Wisniewski, C., & Patureau, D. (2010). Micropollutant and sludge characterization for modeling sorption equilibria. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(3), 1100–6.
Barret, M., Carrère, H., Delgadillo, L., & Patureau, D. (2010). PAH fate during the anaerobic digestion of contaminated sludge: Do bioavailability and/or cometabolism limit their biodegradation? Water Research, 44(13), 3797–806.
Barret, M., Patureau, D., Latrille, E., & Carrère, H. (2010). A three-compartment model for micropollutants sorption in sludge: methodological approach and insights. Water Research, 44(2), 616–24.
Barret, M., Barcia, G. C., Guillon, a, Carrère, H., & Patureau, D. (2010). Influence of feed characteristics on the removal of micropollutants during the anaerobic digestion of contaminated sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181(1-3), 241–7.
Responsabilités collectives et administratives
Responsable d’1 UE
Unité d’Enseignement « Intrants, Déchets et Economie circulaire en Agronomie » (3ème année QEGR)
- Module « Valorisation des déchets » (3ème année QEGR)
- Module « Traitement et élimination des déchets » (3ème année QEGR)
- Module « Remédiation des sols » (3ème année QEGR/GE)
- Module « Valorisation des boues d’épuration » (3ème année GE)
- Module « Agriculture Biologique et Compost (Pré-spécialisation de 2ème année,).